Some trust in chariots and some in horses,but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.
Psalms 20:7
Since moving to the Silicon Valley I have often wondered, "what have I done"? As a leader of a group of people it has been one of the hardest times of my "Leadership Life"! Now don't get me wrong, I have met some wonderful people and many have become personal friends and confidants.
But none the less the question still nags at me, "What have I done"?
But it came to me today what I have done. A little background first...
This started at my house one afternoon in 1998. I was leading a little country church in Georgia. A young family was lead to move to this town and join us in the work. Jay was so excited about the word of God he would sit and talk to me about all the time. That afternoon, after a 3 month struggle to get the hours he needed at the post office to support his family, Jay without knocking rushed into my living room. Instantly he blurted out, "it's going to be fine". I said, "Jay what are you talking about?" He said "Bruce all my troubles, not enough hours, cant feed my family, all of it".
He had been meditating that afternoon, after being sent home with only 2 hours on the clock. He spent more money in gas and food than he made that day. After reading the 20th Psalm he came to realize his trusts where in all the wrong things. He been trusting in the U.S. Postal Service to honor their word when they moved his family there. He had been trusting his boss to understand and give him more hours. He trusted his landlord not to raise his rent, and he trusted his car to run faithfully. (IT DID NOT)
Not long after Jay moved his family back to his home in Alabama, and time has past and I have lost contact. BUT, I have not lost contact with what I was taught that day!
Last week in the midst of a good pity party, God reminded me what He taught that day. I went and re-read Psalms 20. I re-read the prayer King David prayed for me that day or night. I had to be reminded who my Heavenly Father loves and cares for, ME! and you. You see that prayer is valid for you today IF you know where your trust really lies.
I challenge you, Go read Psalms 20. It is only 8 verses. In it I found who my Daddy is!!
It was a delight meting you today and hearing your heart related to the Gospel. This is a passage worth committing to memory, thanks for leaving it all on the field brother!